Search results for packages in Adélie current

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18 packages were found.
Name Description
bcnm Client network manager
bearssl The BearSSL implementation of the SSL/TLS protocol
execline A small scripting language for non-interactive scripts
gettys-openrc Dynamic getty services
libsodium Networking and Cryptography library: sodium fork
mdevd A small uevent manager daemon
netqmail The qmail mail transfer agent (community version)
s6's small & secure supervision software suite
s6-dns's DNS client libraries and command-line DNS client utilities
s6-linux-init A s6-based init system
s6-linux-utils's Linux-specific miscellaneous utilities
s6-networking's UCSPI TCP and TLS tools, access control tools, and network time management utilities.
s6-portable-utils's portable miscellaneous utilities
s6-rc's service manager, working on top of s6
skalibs A set of general-purpose C programming libraries for software
smtpd-starttls-proxy An SMTP proxy implementing STARTTLS
utmps A secure utmp/wtmp implementation
wireguard-tools Userland tools for the WireGuard VPN

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